case study - Kisco


Kisko, the manufacturer of the popular Mr. Freeze brand of products, planned on introducing a new product called Mr. Freeze ElectroIce Sport. The newest addition to the Mr. Freeze lineup, ElectroIce is an electrolyte infused frozen treat specifically geared for individuals that have active lifestyles, athletes and anyone working up a sweat.

Keeping rehydrated is a must after strenuous exercise, and Mr. Freeze ElectroIce Sport allows for the replenishment of water and electrolytes to properly rehydrate and refuel in a delicious and innovative manner


Kisko products are not found in retail stores from the September long weekend to the Easter long weekend. Retail buyers have positioned this brand as “seasonal.” Phoenix Agency planned on deconstructing this notion while introducing the new product into the marketplace.


1) Package Design

Phoenix Agency designed and produced the unique package that highlights the sports focus of the product with an aesthetic that highlights Kisko’s past while positioning the brand for the future.

Strategy: Phoenix Agency developed a strategy to break into the crowded sports performance drink market. As many visible and popular brands currently exist and cater to athletes, but few with the Mr. Freeze styled frozen treat, Phoenix Agency decided to promote the product with a multi -level approach. Phoenix Agency focused on garnering attention on a grassroots level, while also gaining national exposure.

2) Execution

Sponsorships: Grassroots Level

Sponsorship agreements were formalized with multiple teams from different organizations. This meant having the Kisko Mr. Freeze ElectroIce logo on official game jerseys, warm-up t-shirts, try-out days (where hundreds of children played for a spot on respective teams), banners on team websites (including links to the product page) and more.

Some of the soccer organizations Phoenix Agency worked with included teams from:

British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario & Quebec.

Coupon Deployment: Grassroots & National

Phoenix Agency approached the most popular and visible grassroots soccer organizations in Canada and initiated a product sampling program for the target demographic. For further exposure, the influx of sales and word of mouth advertising, product coupons were mailed to various soccer and sports organizations and also provided to the parents of children enrolled in the sports associations.

Product Sampling: Grassroots & National Level

As a sponsor of many sports team, Kisko Mr. Freeze ElectroIce began to gain recognition and positive reviews. To further enhance product visibility and encourage sales, a product sampling campaign was created. Focusing on days with an influx of participants such as tournaments and large festivals, Phoenix Agency’s sampling tactic reached the precise target demographic in the shortest amount of time.

Social Media Contests

Phoenix Agency executed 2 exclusive contests with Kisko products through the various soccer associations’ social media platforms, tying into World Cup soccer events.

Formed Partnership with the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA): National Level

The OMHA is the largest minor hockey league in the world. In order to bring visibility to Kisko in this offseason and to attract buyer’s attention, Kiko became a sponsor of the OMHA. Our strategic plan identified 2 existing confectionery suppliers that were already servicing the hockey arenas across Canada. Both agreed to carry the product. This provided exposure and sales during a season where none is generated. The agreement with OMHA allowed for the securing of the following:

Email Database Access

  • Banner ads on monthly email deployment
  • 90,000 unique recipients

The OMHA Events/Promotion Team

  • 2 Logos on the event vehicle
  • Logo on the interactive games
  • Deployment of product samples to team coaches at events not attended by Phoenix Agency
  • Mr. Freeze attended 7 events (along with OMHA Events/Promotion Team) in which product samples were given
  • Phoenix Agency provided samples to event requests that were denied by the OMHA Events Team (i.e. Events Team already booked for another location).

 Annual General Meeting

  • Premium booth location
  • Ability to sample products

Print Magazine

  • Feature in the “What’s Hot Section”
  • Sponsorship of “Games” feature in the Hometown Hockey Magazine – includes “Presented by Mr. Freeze”

OMHA Social Media Participation

When opportunities exist, the OMHA will occasionally deploy social media initiatives through their platforms to communicate Kisko content. With 7,000 followers on Twitter and over 3,617 “Likes” on Facebook, this was a large, authentic and organically built audience that is receptive to the content presented.


Kisko Mr. Freeze ElectroIce was prominently displayed in various sections of the OMHA website, including:

  • Bottom Leaderboard Banner (BLB) in the Playdowns Section January 1 to April 30
  • Page views for the Playdowns Section January 1 to April 30

Ads with the Canadian Grocery: National

Product advertisements were placed in the Canadian Grocery, one of the top consumer grocery and product magazines (owned by Rogers Digital Media) to the “Food Buyers.”

social media marketing agency vaughan