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The Scalabrini International Migration Network is a non-profit organization formed by the Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles-Scalabrinians. The network offers programs and services provided by Scalabrinian entities to migrants, refugees, internally displaced people and itinerants, while also providing advocacy and other services to those in need. SIMNs mission is to safeguard those in need.

Today, SIMN serves to migrate populations all over the world: from offices in North and South America and via a seat at the United Nations, while also having an active membership body in 13 countries worldwide.


Phoenix Agency began to work with SIMN in 2013 when they were on the verge of hosting their fourth International Forum on Migration and Peace (IFMP) in New York City. The forum drew over 250 powerful, high caliber figures from all over the world and was intended to tackle the issues associated with mass migration. The problem was, only 25 of the 250 leaders were active on social media, meaning the public had little knowledge of the forum and cause; on top of this, SIMN had a limited budget. Our agency saw this challenge as an opportunity to greatly enhance the efforts of SIMN.


SIMN had access to the political decision makers, but limited social media presence; Phoenix Agency initiated conversations with key influencers within political immigration reforms to spread the word on policies.



In order to get the greatest effect out of the forum and its attendants, we decided to develop a social media and public relations strategy that would greatly amplify the event’s impact on public awareness migration issues. This, in turn, would create awareness and an online following for future SIMN events. We had multiple targets profiles for these conversations: Individuals who act as spokespersons on the topic of migration, organizations involved with the migration process; influential decision makers, and finally, enthusiasts who are actively involved with migration problems.


> Focus on the opportunities – the few active social media (Twitter) users at the forum would act as ambassadors for IFMP.

> Reach out to organizations that the speakers are associated with, such as the non-social media using speakers representing major organizations, political entities, institutions, etc. When these groups mention the SIMN and IFMP in their tweets, the exposure expanded greatly.

> Prior to IFMP – Introducing a hashtag, driving traffic to the website by publishing on social networks, engaging with all IFMP speakers, associated organizations, and attendees on Twitter.

> During IFMP – Live tweeting of events; interaction with the attendees through Twitter, posting quotes said by some of the famous speakers, reaching out to organizations in real time.

> Post IFMP – Staying connected with the organizations and speakers, reaching out to new organizations/people to act as influencers, maintaining the level and quality of social media engagement, sending press releases to media outlets, linking recorded broadcasts to the SIMN website.


The event was a great success and we achieved our goal of raising awareness and establishing a following for future initiatives through online engagement.

* Active on Twitter every day since June 2013.

* Followers as of April 2014: 274 (increased by 270% from prior to the 2013 IFMP event).

* Organizations are maintaining connections with SIMN consistently by retweeting or commenting on posts.

* SIMN is establishing relationships with other organizations across the globe.

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