With nearly 2 billion smartphones worldwide, users are provided with endless options. Between social media, messaging, games and other distractions, numerous applications are constantly vying for our attention. Everyone has many applications on their devices, and the majority of them use push notifications and alerts to engage with users. Due to our reliance on devices and technology, people typically lose concentration after approximately eight seconds, proving how pivotal intriguing and original content have become.
Information is literally accessible at our fingertips, and people are constantly switching between their favorite applications looking for the first thing that entertains them. The majority of news outlets have converted to digital formats as traditional print continues to be phased out. The newly developed digital formats have helped maintain fan bases, and entertain their followers. Content has changed drastically since the new millennium in an attempt to keep viewers intrigued. Animations, images, video, and polls have become the norm in recent years, especially with how significant smartphones and devices are.
Content has always been an important factor, but its importance is at an all-time high. The fight for viewership is considered an uphill battle, one everyone experiences regardless of their industry. Content that excludes any form of graphics is an extreme rarity as the majority of outlets have realized its importance. Content is ever-changing due to the exceptionally short attention span of modern viewers, and how important their attention is. Businesses and media outlets are extremely reliant on users due to their monetary impact. The struggle to gain or maintain followers is a difficult task and continues to worsen with each passing year.
For certain businesses the longer an individual remains on its website, the greater chance that they convert. A website’s conversion rate is critical to success, and captivating content increases the possibility of viewers exploring your site. Content no longer pertains to only news and media outlets as many businesses can definitely benefit from improved content.
Combining images and videos with content provides an excellent balance, helping users view your content in its entirety.
Media outlets are heavily reliant on content as well, but for a completely different reason. In addition to being essential to their business models, media outlets also rely on intriguing and original content to attract advertising. With a lot of viewers visiting a website or application each month, outlets are able to charge a premium for advertisement. Although the content has always been important for media outlets, its significance has increased due to the number of competitors and low attention span. Posts with images and videos are known to intrigue viewers, becoming the norm across all media outlets. Viral and trending posts are extremely effective and gain a lot of viewership with all demographics.
The adage “Cash is King” is a well-known expression throughout the world, but it been replaced with “Content is King” for the digital world.
Our team is well versed and proficient in all things contact marketing related. If you are interested in growing your business through a strategic content marketing strategy, do not hesitate to contact our team to learn how.